Epic Seven Wiki

The main protagonist of Epic Seven, Ras is the Heir of the Covenant, a being created by the Goddess of Life, Diche, to protect the world of Orbis from the Archdemon, and his Acolytes.

Hero Background[]

Created to protect the world and all life within it, he is admired as the leader of the Heirs and the alter ego of the Goddess. He has a good personality and is very understanding, though he lacks some understanding of Humans.




6th World Ritania[]

Ras's comrades from the 6th World

Judge Kise Friendly An Heir of the Sixth World, Kise fought alongside Ras against the Archdemon. Her intelligence and cool head gave Ras great confidence.
Vildred Friendly Even though he was Heir of the Covenant, Vildred apporached Ras cheerfully and without hesitation. Thanks to him Ras has learned a lot.
Ruele of Light Friendly An Heir loved by all, Ruele was a gentle and trusted friend of Ras in the Sixth World.

7th World Ritania[]

People met in Ritania after waking in the 7th World

Mercedes Friendly Seeing Mercedes risk her life to save him, Ras felt deep sorrow, unlike anything he's ever felt before.
Iseria Friendly At first, it was hard for Ras to face Iseria, but as he came to learn of her sadness and her true heart, she became a trusted friend.
Cartuja Friendly A Suin who helps Ras out whenever he needs it. He seems to be a kind and righteous person.
Krau Friendly Krau is a shamelessly self-indulgent knight, but his incredible ability and open-minded personality gave Ras much strength.
Ludwig Friendly Kise was worried about Ludwig until the very end. He has great faith in Ras for saving Kromcruz, and sometimes shows a cute side.
Aither Friendly Aither is Ras's biggest fan and supporter, and is happy to help him in any way he can.
Yuna Friendly Yuna is the extravagant and lively President of the Reingar Student Council, who joined forces with Ras in order to defeat Tenebria.
Arbiter Vildred Hostile Ras is unable to understand what would have led Vildred to betray him and the world.

7th World Cidonia[]

New connections made in Cidonia

Luluca Friendly A girl whose resolve is strong and unwavering, even after losing her hometown.
Straze Hostile A new threat to Orbis has arisen, and he lies behind all of the disasters and destruction.
Violet Friendly Ras has a hard time understanding the way Violet talks and acts, but he seems to be a reliable teammate.


Skill Cooldown Souls Acquired Description
0 1 Before Awakening: Ras attacks with a sword, dealing damage proportional to his max Health.

After Awakening: Ras attacks with a sword, with a 75% chance to dispel a buff. Damage dealt increases proportional to Ras's max Health.

+1 > +5% damage dealt (Goldx4,000 MolaGorax1)
+2 > +5% damage dealt (Goldx4,000 MolaGorax1)
+3 > +5% damage dealt (Goldx23,000 MolaGorax2 Mysterious Flashx3)
+4 > +5% damage dealt (Goldx28,000 MolaGorax2 Mysterious Flashx4)
+5 > +10% damage dealt (Goldx37,000 MolaGorax3 Mysterious Flashx5)

Command Strike
Command Strike
3 2 Ras attacks the enemy repeatedly, and triggers a Dual Attack from the ally with the highest Attack. (Dual Attack: Chance to attack an enemy with basic skill after an ally has attacked him/her, unless unable to act.)
Soul Burn: Skill cooldown is decreased by 2 turns. (Consumes 10 Souls.)
+1 > +5% damage dealt (Goldx4,000 MolaGorax1)
+2 > +5% damage dealt (Goldx4,000 MolaGorax1)
+3 > +5% damage dealt (Goldx23,000 MolaGorax2 Mysterious Flashx3)
+4 > +5% damage dealt (Goldx28,000 MolaGorax2 Mysterious Flashx4)
+5 > +10% damage dealt (Goldx37,000 MolaGorax3 Mysterious Flashx5)

Sword of the Heir
Sword of the Heir
4 2 Ras strongly attacks all enemies with a swordstorm, recovering Health proportional to his max Health, and increasing his Defense for 2 turns. Damage dealt increases proportional to the Ras's max Health. (Increase Defense Increase Defense: Increases Defense by 60%.)
+1 > +5% damage dealt (Goldx4,000 MolaGorax1)
+2 > +5% damage dealt (Goldx4,000 MolaGorax1)
+3 > +5% damage dealt (Goldx23,000 MolaGorax2 Mysterious Flashx3)
+4 > +5% damage dealt (Goldx28,000 MolaGorax2 Mysterious Flashx4)
+5 > +10% damage dealt (Goldx37,000 MolaGorax3 Mysterious Flashx5)
Items needed:
Mysterious Flash
Mysterious Flash


Blessings of Covenant Blessings of Covenant
The Heir of the Covenant bears the weight of the world upon his shoulders.
Dispatch Mission: [Security] Type - Reward Bonus +6%
Command Command 88
Charm Charm 76
Politics Politics 15

Following the defeat of Incomplete Faustus, Ras is able to undergo a specialty change into Adventurer Ras.

How to obtain[]

  • You acquire Ras as your first character in the game, and there is no way to receive a duplicate of him.

Memory Imprint[]

Imprint Release Health Health
+120 +180 +240 +300 +360 +420 +480

Heroes used to Memory Imprint:

  • Strength of Ilryos


Ras Awaken Constellation
Potential Stone Potential Stone Ability Stone Potential Stone Potential Stone Potential Stone
Health Defense X-Slash Effect Resistance Health Defense
Health +3% Defense +3% Skill Enhance:
Effect Resistance +12% Health +6% Defense +6%
Attack Attack +20
Health Health +60
Attack Attack +20
Health Health +60
Attack Attack +20
Health Health +60
Attack Attack +30
Health Health +80
Attack Attack +30
Health Health +80
Attack Attack +30
Health Health +80
Items needed:
Flame Rune
Flame Rune
Greater Flame Rune
Greater Flame Rune
Epic Flame Rune
Epic Flame Rune
Dream Time Circuit
Dream Time Circuit
Reignar Student ID
Reignar Student ID

Tier List[]

Ras is your starter character and probably the most average unit in the game. His best skill is definitely his S2. It procs dual attack with the highest attacker on your team.

He gets a decent AoE attack that grants himself a defense buff + some lifesteal on his S3. He is easily replaced by other tanks unless you really like him or are building a niche dual attack comp with Taranor Guard, Kitty Clarissa or Tamarinne.

With the new update, his S1 can now dispel one buff. He is worth leveling early game now.

Recommended Artifacts[]


Aurius Aurius (tank): Soak up damage for teammates.
Noble Oath Noble Oath (+defense): More defense for more tanking.

Arena & Guild Wars[]

Aurius Aurius

Hunt, Abyss & Raid[]

Prophetic Candlestick Prophetic Candlestick
Aurius Aurius
Sword of Ezera Sword of Ezera

Recommended Set[]

Health: Health Set Health Set / Health Set Health Set / Health Set Health Set
Necklace Necklace Defense Defense(%)
Ring Ring Health Health(%)
Boots Boots Speed Speed
Speed: Speed Set Speed Set / Health Set Health Set
Necklace Necklace Critical Hit Chance Critical Hit Chance / Health Health(%)
Ring Ring Health Health(%)
Boots Boots Speed Speed

Substats Priority[]

Health Health(%) > Defense Defense(%) > Speed Speed

Labryrinth Camping[]

Sad Memory: "I've been through a lot... Fighting so many Archdemons for such a long time..."
Dream: "My dream? To create a world safe from the Archdemon, even once I'm gone."

This table shows the morale points you gain when the following chat options are selected. Check out the epic7db.com's labyrinth camping simulator to gain the most morale points.

Advice 7
Belief -4
Bizarre Story -3
Comforting Cheer 6
Complain -2
Criticism -8
Cute Cheer 4
Dream 5
Food Story 2
Gossip -1
Happy Memory 6
Heroic Cheer 5
Heroic Tale 0
Horror Story 0
Interesting Story 2
Joyful Memory 6
Myth 4
Occult -1
Reality Check -6
Sad Memory 8
Self Indulgent -3
Unique Comment 2




